When running workflows, the webhook payload output will conform to the shape described in the webhook documentation, however the sub list of workflow_run.outputs is dynamic based on the type of document processor.

The output shapes for each document processor are described below.


Example Extract Output
  "object": "document_processor_run",
  "id": "dpr_1234",
  "edited": true,
  "type": "EXTRACT",
  // see ExtractConfig type below
  "config": {
    "fieldsToExtract": [
        "id": "field1",
        "type": "boolean",
        "fieldName": "is_invoice",
        "description": "Is this an invoice?"
  // see ExtractOutput type below
  "initialOutput": {
    "is_invoice": {
      "id": "field1",
      "type": "boolean",
      "value": true,
      "confidence": 1,
      "references": []
  // see ExtractOutput type below
  "reviewedOutput": {
    "is_invoice": {
      "id": "field1",
      "type": "boolean",
      "value": false,
      "confidence": 1,
      "references": []
  // see ExtractOutput type below
  "output": {
    "is_invoice": {
      "id": "field1",
      "type": "boolean",
      "value": false,
      "confidence": 1,
      "references": []
Extract output and config subfield types
* The output subfield type when type=EXTRACT 
* Applies to "initialOutput", "reviewedOutput", and "output" subfields of the document_processor_run object.
type ExtractOutput = {
  [key: string]: ExtractFieldResult;

type ExtractFieldResult = {
  id: string;
  value: string | number | Currency | boolean | ExtractValueArray | ExtractValueObject | null;
  confidence: number;
  page?: number;
  type: "string" | "number" | "currency" | "boolean" | "date" | "array" | "object" | "null";
   * Only set when type=array or type=object to provide structure of sub fields.
   * Useful for dynamically parsing nested data.
  schema?: ExtractFieldSchemaValue[];
  references?: ExtractFieldResultReference[];

type Currency = {
  amount: number;
  iso_4217_currency_code: string;

type ExtractValueArray = Array<ExtractValueObject>;

type ExtractValueObject = {
  [key: string]: string | number | Currency | boolean | null;

type ExtractFieldResultReference = {
  /* The field id. When nested for arrays, this is the index of the row number */
  id: string;
  /* The field name */
  fieldName: string;
  /* The page number (starting at 1) that this bounding box is from */
  page: number;
   * Array of bounding box references for this field.
   * There can be multiple is the extraction result was drawn from multiple distinct sources on the page.
  boundingBoxes: BoundingBox[];

/* See the Bounding boxes guide for information on how to use/interpret this data */
type BoundingBox = {
  /* The left most position of the bounding box */
  left: number;
  /* The top most position of the bounding box */
  top: number;
  /* The right most position of the bounding box */
  right: number;
  /* The bottom most position of the bounding box */
  bottom: number;

* The config subfield type when type=EXTRACT 
* Applies to "config" subfield of the document_processor_run object.
type ExtractConfig = {
  fieldsToExtract: Array<ExtractFieldConfig>;

type ExtractFieldConfig = {
  id: string;
  fieldName: string;
  description: string;
  type: "string" | "number" | "currency" | "boolean" | "date" | "any[]" | "object" | "null";
  schema?: ExtractFieldSchemaValue[];

type ExtractFieldSchemaValue = {
  id: string;
  fieldName: string;
  description: string;
  type: "string" | "number" | "currency" | "boolean" | "date" | "null";


Example Classify Output
  "object": "document_processor_run",
  "id": "dpr_1234",
  "edited": true,
  "type": "CLASSIFY",
  // see ClassifyConfig type below
  "config": {
    "classifications": [
        "id": "classification1",
        "type": "other",
        "description": "Use the `other` document type when the provided document can not clearly be classified into one of the described classifications."
        "id": "classification2",
        "type": "invoice",
        "description": "an invoice"
  // see ClassifyOutput type below
  "initialOutput": {
    "id": "classification2",
    "type": "invoice",
    "confidence": 0.95,
  // see ClassifyOutput type below
  "output": {
    "id": "classification2",
    "type": "invoice",
    "confidence": 0.95,
CLASSIFY output and config subfield types
* The output subfield type when type=CLASSIFY 
* Applies to "initialOutput" and "output" subfields of the document_processor_run object.
type ClassifyOutput = {
  id: string;
  type: string;
  confidence: number;

* The config subfield type when type=CLASSIFY 
* Applies to "config" subfield of the document_processor_run object.
type ClassifyConfig = {
  classifications: Classification[];

type Classification = {
  id: string;
  type: string;
  description: string;

Instruct QA

Example Instruct QA Output
  "object": "document_processor_run",
  "id": "dpr_1234",
  "edited": true,
  "type": "INSTRUCT_QA",
  // see InstructQAConfig type below
  "config": {
    "id": "instructqa1",
    "query": "buyer",
    "context": "- The buyer name is the name of the company or individual that is purchasing the goods or services.\n- The buyer name is often found at the top of the invoice, near the seller's name.",
    "question": "Does this invoice contain a name?",
    "documentType": "invoice"
  // see InstructQAOutput type below
  "initialOutput": {
    "answer": "yes",
    "confidence": 1,
    "notes": [
      "The invoice contains information about the sender (DEMO - Sliced Invoices) and the recipient (Test Business).",
      "The invoice contains names of the sender and recipient."
    "references": [
        "page": 1
  // see InstructQAOutput type below
  "output": {
    "answer": "yes",
    "confidence": 1,
    "notes": [
      "The invoice contains information about the sender (DEMO - Sliced Invoices) and the recipient (Test Business).",
      "The invoice contains names of the sender and recipient."
    "references": [
        "page": 1
INSTRUCT_QA output and config subfield types
* The output subfield type when type=INSTRUCT_QA 
* Applies to "initialOutput" and "output" subfields of the document_processor_run object.
export type InstructQAOutput = {
  answer: InstructQAAnswer;
  confidence: number;
  notes: string[];
  references: PageReference[];

 * Note: Bounding box is not yet supported for INSTRUCT_QA, but will be in the future.
type PageReference = {
  page: number;

* The config subfield type when type=INSTRUCT_QA 
* Applies to "config" subfield of the document_processor_run object.
type InstructQAConfig = {
  id: string;
  query: string;
  context: string;
  question: string;
  documentType: string;