Run Workflow
Once a workflow has been created on the Extend Platform, this endpoint can be used to send file(s) to be run.
The ID of the workflow that files will be run through. This ID can be fetched from viewing the workflow on the Extend platform.
An array of raw strings. Can be used in place of files when passing raw data. The raw data will be converted to .txt files and run through the workflow. If the data follows a specific format, it is recommended to use the files parameter instead. Either files or rawTexts must be provided.
An optional name that can be assigned to a specific WorkflowRun.
An optional version of the workflow that files will be run through. This number can be found when viewing the workflow on the Extend platform. When a version number is not supplied, the most recent version of the workflow will be used. To run the “draft” version of a workflow, use “draft” as the version.
An optional value used to determine the relative order of WorkflowRuns when rate limiting is in effect. Priority values must be an integer between 1 and 100 inclusive. Lower values will be prioritized before higher values. The default priority value is 50.
An optional object that can be passed in to identify the WorkflowRun. It will be returned in the response and webhooks.
A true or false value for whether the workflow run was created successfully or not.
An array of WorkflowRun objects, with each WorkflowRun corresponding to a single File that was passed in.