API Documentation
Workflow Endpoints
Processor Endpoints
Parse Endpoints
File Endpoints
Evaluation Set Endpoints
The ProcessorRun object
"object": "document_processor_run",
"id": "dpr_1234",
"output": { // Will be null until the run is processed
"invoice_number": {
"value": "1234567890"
"processorId": "dp_5678",
"processorVersionId": "dpv_91011",
"processorName": "Invoice Extractor",
"status": "PROCESSED",
"metadata": {
"internal_id": "id_1234"
"reviewed": false,
"edited": false,
"edits": null,
"type": "EXTRACT",
"mergedProcessors": [],
"config": {
"fields": [
"id": "invoice_number",
"name": "Invoice Number",
"type": "string"
"files": [
"name": "example.pdf",
// Other file fields, which can be found in the File object page
"url": "https://dashboard.extend.app/runs/dpr_1234"
The ProcessorRun object is the core object of processor runs, and is returned by the Run Processor endpoint as well as the Get Processor Run endpoint. These objects also represent a single output of a workflow run, which would typically have a list of multiple processor runs for chained processors.
The object represents a single run of a processor and contains all the information about the run, including the output data, the processor that was run, and the status of the run.
The type of response, will always be “document_processor_run”.
The unique identifier for this processor run.
An array of processors that were merged to create this output. Will be an empty array unless this output was the result of a MergeExtraction step in a workflow.
The final output, either reviewed or initial.
Conforms to the shape of output types and depends on the processor type and configuration shape.
The ID of the processor used for this run.
The ID of the specific processor version used.
The name of the processor.
The current status of the processor run (e.g., “PROCESSING”, “PROCESSED”, “FAILED”).
If the run failed, indicates the reason for failure.
If the run failed, provides a detailed message about the failure.
Any metadata that was provided when creating the processor run.
Indicates whether the run has been reviewed.
Indicates whether the run results have been edited.
The type of processor (e.g., “EXTRACT”, “CLASSIFY”).
The configuration used for this processor run.
The initial output from the processor.
The output after review, if any.
Details of the processed files.
If this was a file generated from a splitter processor, this will be the sub file.
See the File object for more details.
URL to view the processor run.
"object": "document_processor_run",
"id": "dpr_1234",
"output": { // Will be null until the run is processed
"invoice_number": {
"value": "1234567890"
"processorId": "dp_5678",
"processorVersionId": "dpv_91011",
"processorName": "Invoice Extractor",
"status": "PROCESSED",
"metadata": {
"internal_id": "id_1234"
"reviewed": false,
"edited": false,
"edits": null,
"type": "EXTRACT",
"mergedProcessors": [],
"config": {
"fields": [
"id": "invoice_number",
"name": "Invoice Number",
"type": "string"
"files": [
"name": "example.pdf",
// Other file fields, which can be found in the File object page
"url": "https://dashboard.extend.app/runs/dpr_1234"
"object": "document_processor_run",
"id": "dpr_1234",
"output": { // Will be null until the run is processed
"invoice_number": {
"value": "1234567890"
"processorId": "dp_5678",
"processorVersionId": "dpv_91011",
"processorName": "Invoice Extractor",
"status": "PROCESSED",
"metadata": {
"internal_id": "id_1234"
"reviewed": false,
"edited": false,
"edits": null,
"type": "EXTRACT",
"mergedProcessors": [],
"config": {
"fields": [
"id": "invoice_number",
"name": "Invoice Number",
"type": "string"
"files": [
"name": "example.pdf",
// Other file fields, which can be found in the File object page
"url": "https://dashboard.extend.app/runs/dpr_1234"