In addition to being offered in product, we include bounding box references (when available) in the API response payload for workflow run outputs.

Importantly, these bounding boxes are not the same as traditional OCR and we do not make a guarantee that 100% of the time our system is able to detect and return bounding boxes for all extracted values. However, we are constantly improving our models and will continue to do so.

This experience is still in beta and we are working to improve it. While in beta, the following these field types are most limited:

  • date fields - These are currently less reliable than other field types, and may not always be returned.
  • string fields - When extracting values that are mostly interpretation based, bounding boxes will be less reliable.
  • boolean fields - These are currently not supported for bounding box references.
  • null fields - If a field is not found or unable to be extracted, no bounding boxes will be returned.

Right now bounding box references are only available for Extract output fields, and are only supported for the following file/document types:

  • PDF
  • IMG (jpeg, png, etc)


The shape of the bounding box reference is as follows:

type BoundingBox = {
   * The left most position of the bounding box
  left: number;
   * The top most position of the bounding box
  top: number;
   * The right most position of the bounding box
  right: number;
   * The bottom most position of the bounding box
  bottom: number;

How to use

How to use the bounding values in order to place a bounding box on a file, depends heavily on the file type. In general though, you will need to take the bounding box values we return and convert them to whatever coordinate system your rendering library uses or what you define if you are using a native Canvas element approach to drawing them over an image for instance.

The values we return in the BoundingBox type represent the pixel coordinates of the bounding box on the image or page. They indicate the top, bottom, left, and right extremities of the box. You may need to convert these values into a format suitable for your rendering library. If your rendering library uses a coordinate system based on percentages of the total image or page size, you would need to perform an additional conversion step.

For PDFs, here is an example of how to apply a transform to the value in order to be rendered using react-pdf-viewer or a similar library:

export type HighlightArea = {
  left: number;
  top: number;
  width: number;
  height: number;
  pageIndex: number;

function convertBoundingBoxToHighlightArea({
}: {
  boundingBox: BoundingBox;
  pageIndex: number; // The index of the page in the document (0 indexed)
  pageHeight: number;
  pageWidth: number;
}): HighlightArea {
  // If you are able to access the page height and width of the document, use them to calculate the highlight area
  if (pageHeight && pageWidth) {
    const highlightArea: HighlightArea = {
      height: ((boundingBox.bottom - / pageHeight) * 100 + 2,
      left: (boundingBox.left / pageWidth) * 100 - 1,
      width: ((boundingBox.right - boundingBox.left) / pageWidth) * 100 + 2,
      top: ( / pageHeight) * 100 - 1,
    return highlightArea;

  const DPI = 72; // Default DPI - calibrate this based on your product

  // Otherwise you can default to a conversion based on the zoom level of the document
  const highlightArea: HighlightArea = {
    left: boundingBox.left * 9,
    top: * 9,
    width: ((boundingBox.right - boundingBox.left) * DPI) / 8,
    height: ((boundingBox.bottom - * DPI) / 8,
  return highlightArea;